An simple solution to monitor disk space, swap and memory

Guillaume Pratte guillaume.pratte at
Thu Jan 4 16:20:27 CET 2007

Andreas Ericsson a écrit :
> Guillaume Pratte wrote:
>>    * The warning and critical thresolds are intelligently determine
>>      using an invert logarithmic formula. No need to configure the
>>      thresolds : the bigger the disk partition / total memory
>>      available, the smaller the thresold in percent will be.
> This is nice, but is it still possible to force it to accept thresholds?
It was designed to be the easiest disk monitoring plugin to configure in 
existance : pre-determined values that make senses, almost no configuration.

Now if you try it and you think that the pre-dertermined values makes no 
sense at all, drop me a mail :-)

Don't hesitate to use another plugin where you can/have to specify the 
thresolds. It's your choice.

Guillaume Pratte
Recherche et développement
Révolution Linux

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