Service Alerts and Notifications

wnorth wnorth at
Sun Jan 7 00:40:18 CET 2007

Thanks Patrick that fixed it.

I had to change the interval_length from 60 to 1 which equates to seconds
now instead of minutes I have to specify all my values in seconds, as

max_check_attempts 3
retry_check_interval 30s
normal_check_interval 300

This causes it to check every 5 minutes, if it receives a non-OK message
back it will try 3 times before marking it HARD down, each interval check is
set to 30 seconds, so 1.5 minutes before an alert is sent out.

Also, I had to specify the notification_interval, which was set to 30
minutes by default, to 1800 which equates to 30 minutes. I think that value
should probably be equal to if not greater by 2X the normal check interval,
at least that's what I think. This way each time it checks if the condition
is still bad it will notify, then again you don't want to get flooded, so
perhaps every other time it checks send an email? It's really up to me to
decide that.

Oh well, onto the next task, trying to see if I can build some sort of
transaction based monitor, which will hit a home page, navigate to a
specific screen and execute a web query. This is where something like Gomez,
Mercury or Netcool would be great at, with Nagios...have to think a bit more
out of the box, besides its free right? And from the last 1-2 days I've
spent on it, very powerful...starting to like it more and more. ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: nagios-users-bounces at
[mailto:nagios-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Morris,
Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 10:26 AM
To: Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)
Cc: nagios-users at
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Service Alerts and Notifications

> I tried setting the retry value to 30s, and it interpreted it 
> as 30 minutes:
> max_check_attempts 3
> retry_check_interval 30s
> normal_check_interval 5
> I would have thought the above would set a HARD alert after 
> 1.5 minutes, but it checked, then scheduled the next check 30 
> minutes later. Is there a global setting somewhere that I 
> missed that needs to be changed from minutes to seconds?

Check your interval_length in nagios.cfg.  That determines how long a
single unit it.

If "30" gives you 30 minutes, then it's probably set to 60 (60 seconds/1
minute).  Sticking an "s" on your retry interval isn't going to change
anything; it'll just be ignored.

You'll need to adjust your interval if you want things to happen in
under 1 time unit (in the default case, 60 seconds).

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