Distributed Monitoring
Marcel Mitsuto Fucatu Sugano
msugano at uolinc.com
Mon Jan 22 20:03:02 CET 2007
On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 13:08 +0300, Dmitriy Kirhlarov wrote:
> > I have one nagios server working in my company, and
> I
> > need to add another nagios server to monitor another servers in
> other
> > subnets,
> >
> > I don't know if there's any solution to have 2 nagios servers(1
> central
> > nagios) and 1 monitor screen... it's mean the second server will
> send
> > all check results to the central nagios.
> It's work in our installation.
> But, I don't find no one web config tool support this. :(
I've tested monarch, and with wome tweaking you can generate configs for
distributed and central nagios instances. You just tell monarch the file
you are generating, and with something like cronned ssh/scp/rsync you
can upload the config to your distributed server and reload the new
config in an automated way.
> It's not complicated.
> Look schema:
> Central Host (location1 + location2)
> ^ ^
> | |
> | |
> location1 location2
> You making service_template_locations and host_template_locations. On
> central host and on locations it's different templates
> (active_check_enable 0 and 1 correspondingly)
Not necessarily that configuration. Central nagios can act as a
fail-over active nagios instance if you configure it correctly. Like, if
for some dark force, your distributed nagios instance fails to monitor
correctly, the central instance can detect that (freshness_checking),
and issue the active check instead of waiting any longer for the passive
check to come up.
> All checks for locations based on this templates.
Also, you don't need to stick with nsca to send results from distributed
to central nagios. You can do that with syslog-ng too. At my location,
we have hibrid syslog-ng/nsca distributing passive check results to both
instances of central nagios, that act redundantly. Fail over is coming
soon :)
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