NRPE (No output returned from plugin)

Josh Kessler josh.kessler at
Fri Jul 20 05:52:12 CEST 2007

Sounds like there is a line missing in your nrpe.conf file on the
client. You need to add a line in the file to say, "talk to the
check_backuppc program".

something like
command[check_backuppc]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_backuppc <options>


On 7/19/07, shacky <shacky83 at> wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm using NRPE to monitor a remote server.
> The most part of the plugins works without problems, but check_backuppc
> returns the error "(No output returned from plugin)" in the Nagios web
> interface.
> The check_backuppc stanza in the Nagios configuration is the following:
> define service{
> use                     remote-service
> host_name               myremoteserver
> service_description     BackupPC
> check_command           check_nrpe!check_backuppc
> }
> If I execute from the shell "check_nrpe -H bakserver.blupixel.local -c
> check_backuppc" I correctly get the plugin's answer ("BACKUPPC WARNING -
> (5/7) failures").
> Where is the problem?
> Thank you very much!
> Bye.
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