nrpe issue with solaris 9?
Hari Sekhon
hpsekhon at
Mon Nov 5 10:45:24 CET 2007
Hi Luis,
The way I see it you have 3 choices:
1. Rewrite the plugin to work the way you want.
2. Give up on using that plugin (but we're not quitters are we?)
3. If you have read and trust the code, grant the nagios user root privs
when running it using sudo and change your nagios command to call it
through sudo.
I tend to use number 3.
Hari Sekhon
Luis Cerezo wrote:
> HI Andreas,
> We came to the same conclusion, except for who wrote the plugin. I think
> I got it nagios exchange.
> header info:
> #
> # Author: Todd Barbera
> # Date: 10/26/05
> # Purpose: Report back to nagios file system usage
> What have you done to get around it?
> -luis
> On Fri, 2007-11-02 at 17:50 +0100, Andreas Ericsson wrote:
>> Luis Cerezo wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I am seeing an odd issue with nrpe check on solaris 9.
>>> from the solaris host: (nrpe 2.0)
>>> bash-2.05# grep check_fs /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
>>> command[check_fs]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_fs_space -w 85% -c 95%
>>> bash-2.05# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_fs_space -w 85% -c 95%
>>> WARNING: /users is at 85%.
>>> bash-2.05#
>>> >From the nagios host:
>>> [root at linmgr ~]# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H sanman -c
>>> check_fs
>>> File system utilization is OK
>>> Has anyone seen this?
>> About a billion times. You're running the check on the nrpe side as root,
>> but nrpe runs it as someone else, and the plugin is crap so it prints
>> "ok" when it fails to get the proper numbers. I'm guessing you wrote the
>> plugin check_fs_space yourself, and only tested it as root, right?
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