Nagios-Grapher: write_fifo does not process '\n' (diff included)
Heiko Schlittermann
hs at
Wed Nov 21 23:25:00 CET 2007
the example for the nagios grapher command is about this way:
define command{
command_line .../contrib/fifo_write .../rw/ngraph.pipe '$HOSTNAME$\t...$SERVICEPERFDATA$\n' 3
But the fifo_write doesn't process the '\n'. This brings trailing 'n'
into the fifo output, but no newline.
Currently I'm not even sure, why the pipe reader ( thinks
there's a line to read..., if the writer doesn't send a newline. But
this is another issue.
Here is the diff to fifo_write.c, which now processes \t and \n is
extensible. (But extension should be done carefully, because the nagios
macros may contain control characters!)
If somebody please could review it. And if it turns out to be useful,
I'd like to see it in the upstream source :)
diff -ruN NagiosGrapher-1.6.1-rc5-0.3.orig/contrib/fifo_write/C/fifo_write.c NagiosGrapher-1.6.1-rc5-0.3/contrib/fifo_write/C/fifo_write.c
--- NagiosGrapher-1.6.1-rc5-0.3.orig/contrib/fifo_write/C/fifo_write.c 2005-12-29 16:20:59.000000000 +0100
+++ NagiosGrapher-1.6.1-rc5-0.3/contrib/fifo_write/C/fifo_write.c 2007-11-21 23:20:06.000000000 +0100
@@ -59,49 +59,31 @@
hfpath = open(fpath, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
if (hfpath) {
- //allocate memory for the output
- char *formated_output = (char *) malloc(strlen(output));
+ //inplace edit
+ char *formatted = output;
+ char *raw = output;
+ //replace some control chars
+ while (*raw) {
+ if (*raw == '\\') {
+ switch (*(raw+1)) {
+ case 't': *(formatted++) = '\t'; raw += 2; continue;
+ case 'n': *(formatted++) = '\n'; raw += 2; continue;
+ }
+ }
+ *(formatted++) = *(raw++);
+ }
+ *formatted = '\0';
+ // write to pipe
+ alarm(timeout);
+ write(hfpath, output, formatted - output);
+ alarm(0);
+ /* Errorhandling below */
- //allocation worked?
- if (formated_output) {
- int i, j = 0;
- int tab = 0;
- //replace \t with tabs
- for (i = 0; output[i]; i++) {
- if (output[i] != '\\') {
- if (output[i] != 't') {
- formated_output[j++] = output[i];
- } else {
- if (tab) {
- formated_output[j++] = 9;
- } else {
- formated_output[j++] = output[i];
- }
- }
- tab = 0;
- } else {
- tab = 1;
- }
- }
- formated_output[j] = 0;
- // write to pipe
- alarm(timeout);
- write(hfpath, formated_output,
- strlen(formated_output));
- alarm(0);
- //free memory
- free(formated_output);
- /* Errorhandling below */
- } else {
- printf("I was not able to allocate enough memory.\n");
- rw = 1;
- }
} else {
printf("Could not open %s for writing!\n", fpath);
Best regards from Dresden
Viele Grüße aus Dresden
Heiko Schlittermann
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