Freshclam nagios check version 0.5
Jim.Melin at
Jim.Melin at
Wed Nov 28 18:39:20 CET 2007
A few caveats - It doesn't take passed parameters. I didn't feel like it. So the freshness dates are hard coded.
Everything is converted to seconds since the epoch, even the date stamp supplied on the end of the freshclam -V output. It made it easier for me to
deal with.
This code has been tested with a current sig file, and one on a dusty old z/VM guest that hadn't been fired up in almost 2 years. It detected that the
signature file was 579 days old. Presumably, the 2 day old check works, but I've not got a machine with a sig file in that state.
____________________________ begin code ___________________________
#check_freshclam - written by James Melin of Hennepin County
#Mainframe services department on 11/28/2007
#Purpose - to check the freshness of the CLAM-AV signature file via freshclam -V
#and report on whether or not the last update date (expressed in seconds since
#the epoch) is more than 3 days older than the freshclam update stamp (expressed
#in seconds since the epoch - 259200 seconds) and issue a warning. If the last
#CLAM-AV Signature file is more than 5 days (432000 seconds) older than the
#timestamp provided by freshclam -V then issue a critical. If the value is 0
#then issue unknown and message that the status of the virus signature cannot be
let freshclam=$(date -d "$(/usr/bin/freshclam -V | awk -F "/" '{ print $3 }')" +%s)
let curr_date=$(date +%s)
let days_ago_3=$(echo $curr_date - 259200 | bc)
let days_ago_5=$(echo $curr_date - 432000 | bc)
let not_scanned=0
let scan_interval=$(echo $curr_date - $freshclam | bc)
if [ $freshclam -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Last Virus Signature update UNKNOWN"
elif [ $freshclam -lt $days_ago_5 ]; then
echo "Virus Signature Update CRITICAL - not updated in $(echo $scan_interval / 86400 | bc) days"
elif [ $freshclam -lt $days_ago_3 ]; then
echo "Virus Signature Update WARNING - not updated in $(echo $scan_interval / 86400 | bc) days"
echo "Virus Signature Update OK - last updated $(date -d "$(/usr/bin/freshclam -V | awk -F "/" '{ print $3 }') ")"
exit $STATE_OK
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