Make a user see only a subset of a monitored host's service checks

David Knecht david.knecht at
Mon Oct 1 16:04:19 CEST 2007

Hi all

I'd like to define two Nagios login users/contacts where one user sees 
only a subset of all service checks that are assigned to a single host.

Here is an example:

The service checks SC1 and SC2 are running against the monitored host 
H1. User U1 must be able to monitor and control (e. g. enable/disable 
notifications etc.) H1 as well as SC1 and SC2 through the Nagios web 
interface while U2 must monitor and control only H1 and SC1.

Is this possible?

This seems to be an easy one, but I just don't make any progress 
configuring it...

This is what I experience:
- If H1 is assigned a contact group and U2 is part of this contact group 
then U2 sees both SC1 *and* SC2 even if SC2 is not assigned this contact 
group in the service definition.

Is it possible to configure what I have outlined in the above example 
with Nagios 2.9? If not, might it be done using Nagios 3.0?

Actually I assume I am making a configuration fault... Any hint is welcome!

Thanks for your help, David

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