check_cluster config

stephen wing stephen.wing at
Tue Oct 2 13:15:58 CEST 2007

Hi Thomas
	One further question relating to the check_cluster command.
As I understand it, the check_cluster is setup so that it checks for the OK
state. Can it be setup to use WARNING state also, ie so that if I am
monitoring 2 hosts and I have a Critical on 1 host and Warning on the 2nd
host, I would like to have Warning status on the check cluster command, also
if I have Critical against both hosts, then the check_cluster reports
Is this possible ?


Stephen Wing
Steria Limited
Senior Technical Consultant
Telephone  02890393605
Mobile       07966823605

-----Original Message-----
From: nagios-users-bounces at
[mailto:nagios-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of stephen
Sent: 02 October 2007 08:02
To: 'Thomas Guyot-Sionnest'
Cc: nagios-users at
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] check_cluster config

Hi Thomas
	I replaced the Shared_disk variable with /hcndata Free Space and
this worked fine. Thanks for the help.


Stephen Wing
Steria Limited
Senior Technical Consultant
Telephone  02890393605
Mobile       07966823605
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Guyot-Sionnest [mailto:dermoth at] 
Sent: 01 October 2007 23:32
To: stephen wing
Cc: nagios-users at
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] check_cluster config

Hash: SHA1

On 01/10/07 09:49 AM, stephen wing wrote:
> Hi Thomas
> 	Thanks for the reply.
> In the check_service_cluster setup that you have described, what is the
> variable Shared_disk$ set to because the way that I am doing this is that
> have setup a service for both server1 and server2 to search for the
> following filesystem :-
> /hcndata
> To do this I have the nrpe daemon running on both servers and a service
> running against both these servers as follows :-
> define service {
> host_name                      hcntest
> service_description            /hcndata Free Space
> check_command                  check_nrpe!check_hcndata
> use                            generic-service
> max_check_attempts             3
> normal_check_interval          5
> retry_check_interval           1
> check_period                   24x7
> notification_interval          60
> notification_period            24x7
> notification_options           w,c,r
> contact_groups                 admins
> }

Then substitute "Shared_disk" with "/hcndata Free Space"

If you look the the command definition, what becomes the "-l" argument
is just a label (What will be printed in the service status). In the
example I wrote the label is the 3rd argument.

The other arguments are macro definitions used to fetch the status of
specific services on specific hosts
($SERVICESTATEID:host_name:service_description$). This will return the
numerical equivalent of the Nagios status (0=>OK, 1=>WARNING,
2=>CRITICAL, etc.).

check_cluster gets the status (passed to "-d") and send a critical alert
when more than 1 service is non-OK ("-c 1"). if you want to warn only
you can use "-w 1" instead of "-c 1"

you can run check_cluster yourself to see the results:

$ ./check_cluster -s -d 0,2 -l "Shared disk" -c 1
CLUSTER OK: Shared disk: 1 ok, 0 warning, 0 unknown, 1 critical
$ ./check_cluster -s -d 1,2 -l "Shared disk" -c 1
CLUSTER CRITICAL: Shared disk: 0 ok, 1 warning, 0 unknown, 1 critical

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