disable notify-by-epager for a specific service

Chris Adams cmadams at hiwaay.net
Thu Sep 13 20:36:07 CEST 2007

Once upon a time, Russell Jackson <raj at csub.edu> said:
> I've agonized over this one for years. I wound up having to create two
> separate contacts for everyone with phones and list them explicitly in
> the contact lists. This has been a major pita. As far as I know,
> there's no way around it.

I have to do that because I want different hours for email and paging
(everybody gets an email, everybody gets paged during business hours,
but only a rotating group gets paged after hours).

Chris Adams <cmadams at hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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