service/host escallations with additional groups
Scott Brynen
scott.brynen at
Thu Sep 27 20:29:48 CEST 2007
I'm trying to define some service/host escallations that add an additional
user to the first notification, however, the additive operator doesn't seem
to work
define hostescalation{
hostgroup_name *
first_notification 1
last_notification 1
contact_groups +servicedesk
(on the first notification, send a note to the servicedesk IN ADDITION to
the normal.)
It also strikes me that service/host escallations should really match the
contactgroups, not hostgroups or servicegroups. something like this
define hostescallation{
current_contactgroups unix
first_notification 4
last_notification 0
contact_groups unix-secondary-pagers
(for all those hosts that would normally use the contactgroup 'unix' use
the contactgroup 'unix-secondary')
Am I missing an obvious command somewhere? It seems silly to have to
create a separate servicegroup/hostgroup for contacts for escallations
given there's already contactgroups
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