Where in the docs...

Andy Shellam andy-lists at networkmail.eu
Thu Dec 4 21:48:18 CET 2008

Hi David,

This explains how macros work:  
This is the list of macros available:  

I assume you're using Nagios 3.0 - replace 3_0 as appropriate in the URL 
if you're not.

Hope this helps,

David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> ...could I find information on macro definition and substitution? 
> Comments in various places describe "$HOSTADDRESS$" as some kind of macro
> substitution, and other examples show multiple sets of parameters in
> somewhat strange syntax in service invocations (and refer to $ARG1$ and
> such), but I haven't found where these things are actually documented or
> explained at all.
> I've been able to write a number of new service, command, and a couple of
> host definitions, even some that use parameters, and they work, which is
> nice (and even useful, already), but I need to understand macros more; are
> they pre-coded, which ones exist, and so forth.  I'm sure the way I'm
> doing things now is repeating things a lot more than is necessary (yes,
> I've looked at the tip for multiple hosts with the same services, etc.,
> and I do understand at least some of them).

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