I don't understand the check_by_ssh plugin
Marc Powell
marc at ena.com
Fri Dec 5 21:08:05 CET 2008
On Dec 5, 2008, at 11:55 AM, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> When I run it from the command line simply, I just get the output of
> the
> remote command (as if the plugin was just passing it through). I
> see that
> I could cause it to produce errors based on how long it takes, but
> nothing
> about how to actually use the output.
This is what check_by_ssh does. It's simply a transport mechanism to
allow nagios to run a plugin on a remote host and receive that
plugin's output. It does not perform any testing, just transport. The
plugin that is being executed by check_by_ssh would be doing the
testing that you're looking for. For example --
define command {
command_name check_disk_remote
command_line $USER1$/check_by_ssh -t 120 -l
username -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C "/home/monitor/libexec/check_disk -t 40 -
w 10% -c 5%"
When nagios executes the check_disk_remote command, it will tell
check_by_ssh to connect to $HOSTADDRESS$ as username and execute the
command '/home/monitor/libexec/check_disk -t 40 -w 10% -c 5%'.
check_disk is a nagios plugin that lives on the remote host. The
plugin will execute and check_by_ssh will capture it's output and exit
code and return those to nagios. Nagios will interpret those as if the
check_disk plugin were run directly. If the check_disk plugin returns
a non-OK state, nagios will see that as if it were run locally, the
check_by_ssh transport is transparent as far as nagios is concerned.
In order for the ssh connection to work, you do need to configure
SSH's authorized_keys functionality. You can limit the host allowed to
connect without password as well as the specific command that is run
based on the key.
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