Nagios:Publishing different hostgroups

Marc Powell marc at
Wed Dec 17 21:32:23 CET 2008

On Dec 17, 2008, at 1:54 PM, gubbu gubbu wrote:

> I have 3 appservers,2webservers,1 database server in QE and similar  
> in PROD . They have a hostgroup like qe-app,qe-web,qe-db,prod- 
> app,prod-web,prod-db
> I now go to http://<hostname>/nagios and I click on Service Detail  
> or other links and I see all the QE and PROD machines together ?
> Can I seperate them so it can be viewed seperately like maybe
> http://,hostname/nagios/QE or PROD or even service detail like
> http://hostname/nagios/cgi-bin/status.cgi? 
> hostgroup=QE&style=hostdetail

Yes, this is the link exactly, assuming that you really do have a  
hostgroup named 'QE' defined with the members you want shown. Based on  
what you've said above, you don't but do have 'qe-app', 'qe-web' and  
others instead. Hosts can be members of multiple hostgroups so you can  
easily create the QE hostgroup and add those servers as members.

> Also is there anyways to display this page without authentication ?

Yes, disable authentication. Undo the changes you did to enable it  
(i.e. remove the htaccess stuff and change the setting in cgi.cfg).  
Everyone will be able to see every host/service.


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