Multiple customers

Edgar Matzinger Edgar.Matzinger at
Mon Dec 22 11:40:52 CET 2008

Hi Ronaldo,

>  1. Move to IPv6 and solve the adressing issue once and for all. In the
> end you now you have to do that sooner or later.

This would be the best option...

>  2. Do not accept private addresses. They are not unique so they will
> not work with multiple networks administered by different admins.

I guess that you've set up a VPN connection between you and your
customer? Not that this of any concern but just the way how I would
connect to customers. But you will have to use NAT to translate the
customer's IP addresses to a range in your own (private) address
space. Maybe even NAT twice: use another IP address range over the
VPN tunnel.

> With nagios you could install a local server for each customer where
> the
> objects will have local addresses for the hosts. And let each local
> instance report to a global server. But then you must make sure that
> the
> hostnames will remain unique on a global level.

This is what we do (we monitor several customers) by adding @<customer>
to the hostname, e.g. dc01 at abc. We are in the process of setting up a
separate VM for each customer. This VM is either loaded in a "stepping
stone" server located at the customer or in our own (monitoring) DMZ.
Rationale behind this set up is separation between customers...

> It is for challenges like this that I think the whole the need for IPv6
> may finally sink in into the ICT community so we can get rid of all
> those stupid NAT constructs.
> (If you thought this was a tough one you aint seen nothing yet. )

True, but as long as there are customers out there that have IPv4...

HTH, cu l8r, Edgar.
    |\  /| :                                : Addr: Valid Eindhoven B.V.
 /  | \/ | :     Edgar R. Matzinger         :       t.a.v. E.R. Matzinger
/   |    | :                                :       Paradijslaan 36
\  /|  /\| :                                :       5611 KN Eindhoven
 \/   /  \ :     Valid Eindhoven BV         :
  \  /\  / :                                :
   \/ |\/  :                                :
      |    :                                :
Disclaimer: Any comments, opinions made are mine, etc ... 

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