Nagios installation problem

Marc Powell marc at
Fri Feb 1 16:13:11 CET 2008

> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagios-users-bounces at [mailto:nagios-users-
> bounces at] On Behalf Of sudhakar pallam
> Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 10:46 PM
> To: nagios-users at
> Subject: [Nagios-users] Nagios installation problem
> Hi,
> I installed Nagios and plugins also by going through the
documentation. I
> installed Nagios 2.10 and Nagios Plugins 1.4.11

I am assuming you installed from source then.

> But, the problem is when i tried to run nagios in debug mode using the
> command  /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v
> /usr/local/nagios/etc/init.d/nagios.cfg

This isn't debug mode but it will try to verify your configuration then
exit. nagios.cfg is in a very strange directory. Why did you move it

> It resulted in an error.
> I installed Nagios in redhat linux enterprise edition.
> And one more thing that i observed after installing Plugins is,
> The configuration files i got in the etc directory are not named

The plugins don't install configuration files, but nagios can if you run
make install-config. They will not be explicitly named 'sample' but
that's what they are.

> Nagios 2.10
> Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Ethan Galstad (
> Last Modified: 10-21-2007
> License: GPL
> Error: Cannot open main configuration file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/-v'
> reading!

This error couldn't have resulted from the command line you stated you
ran above. It just looks like you didn't type the command line

> Warning: Cannot open log file '/usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log' for
> writing
> Nagios 2.10 starting... (PID=4566)
> Warning: Cannot open log file '/usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log' for
> writing
> Warning: Cannot open log file '/usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log' for
> writing

On the surface, these look like permissions issues. If you installed
nagios from source, it should have set appropriate directory
permissions. Are the ownership and permissions on the file/directories
such that the nagios user can read/write to that file? Did you create
the nagios user/group? Did you edit the main configuration file and
nagios user and nagios group?

Also review the installation doc to make sure you've set everything
correctly --

Finally, you don't state what version of RHEL you're using. If SELinux
is enabled and enforcing, make sure that SELinux isn't denying access.


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