Host dependency error
Andrei-Florian Staicu
andrei.staicu at
Thu Jan 17 10:31:48 CET 2008
Christoph Stoettner wrote:
> HI,
> Have a look on this page:
> You have to make a define hostdependency section for each
> dependent_host_name like on the bottom of the link above!
> Please look at the FAQ too, because of differences in parent/child and
> dependency setups.
> Greets Christoph
> On Jan 16, 2008 10:50 PM, Andrei-Florian Staicu <andrei.staicu at> wrote:
>> Hello and excuse for being a bit thicker.
>> Could you tell me why the following dependency:
>> define hostdependency {
>> dependent_host_name
>> host_name quagga
>> notification_failure_criteria d,u
>> execution_failure_criteria d,u,p
>> }
>> yelds:
>> Checking for circular host and service dependencies...
>> Error: A circular execution dependency (which could result in a
>> deadlock) exists for host 'quagga'!
>> Error: A circular execution dependency (which could result in a
>> deadlock) exists for host 'quagga'!
>> Error: A circular execution dependency (which could result in a
>> deadlock) exists for host 'quagga'!
>> Error: A circular execution dependency (which could result in a
>> deadlock) exists for host 'quagga'!
>> Error: A circular execution dependency (which could result in a
>> deadlock) exists for host 'quagga'!
>> ?
>> It is the only dependency in my files.
>> Isn't this the correct way to telling Nagios that all those GW's depend
>> on quagga shouldn't be checked or notified until quagga is up?
>> Thanks
I tried splitting that into six different dependencies (one for each host).
With only two hosts, config check says ok. If I add another host (for a
total of 3 hostst) I get 2 circular dependency errors.
Also, with 3 hosts, it reports checking for 6 dependencies.
If I leave it in the original form and I comment
execution_failure_criteria, the config check yields no error, but this
means the dependecies work only for notifications. I would like to stop
executions based on dependecies and it seems that this is the problem.
Could you help me with this?
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