Thoughts about a custom plugin

stan stanb at
Sun Jul 20 17:17:16 CEST 2008

On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 10:46:39AM -0400, Paulus, Jake wrote:
> You should really look into NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Execution)
> There are alternate versions of NRPE that run on Windows, etc. if you
> must do that. Check out for those.
> You should find that you can use normal plugins you already use
> elsewhere with NRPE to do what you need.
I'm not certain this is intended for exactly the application I have. perhaps
it is, and I am misunderstanding it. let me clarify my application a bit
with an ASCI diagram:

   ------------           -------------        --------------
   |          |          |            |        |            |
   | NAGIOS   |----------| DUAL       |        | TARGET     |
   | Host     |          | HOMED      |---+----|            |
   |          |          | Machine    |   |    |            |
   |          |          |            |   |    |            |
   ------------           -------------   |    --------------
                                          |    --------------
                                          |    |            |
                                          |    | TARGET     |
                                          +----|            |
                                          |    |            |
                                          |    |            |
                                          |    --------------

The Nagios host can get to the dual homed machine, and I can use all the
standard plugins to get status from it. What I want to do is get status from

Are you suggesting using NAPE running on the dual homed machines? And somehow
using this to query the targets? The web page you pointed out makes me
believe that NAPE is intended to allow me to execute checks on a reachable
machine, by using local scripts there, rather than having the NAGIOS machine
use the more traditional check_* plugins.

Am I confused?
One of the main causes of the fall of the roman empire was that, lacking
zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C

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