NRPE 2.12 installation issue
Tim Van Caeyzeele
Tim.Van.Caeyzeele at
Wed Jun 11 09:33:51 CEST 2008
Hi Guys,
I've just tried installing NRPE 2.12 for monitoring my servers eventviewer etc..
However I'm getting the following error:
1) I downloaded the latest stable version 2.12
2) I extracted the tarball
3) I ran the ./configure script
4) I tried the make install wich gives me the following error:
root at SV0007:~/downloads/nrpe-2.12# make install
make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.
Any ideas anyone ? Most likely it's easy to solve, but I don't know how..
Tim Van Caeyzeele
IT Administrator
Cernum | Kareelstraat 48 | 9300 Aalst | Belgium | T +32 53 80 26 40 | F +32 53 80 26 35
tim.van.caeyzeele at
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