[Fwd: Bug Reporting / Issue Tracking System ?]

Brian A. Seklecki lavalamp at spiritual-machines.org
Wed Jun 25 22:11:10 CEST 2008

> Yes, precisely my point.  If no developers are closing tickets, having
> a tracking system is somewhat beside the point.  

My opinion is that Net-SNMP actually doing a suburb job.

Good enough that vendors are shipping it embedded (a la OpenSSH into
Cisco and HFUX)

Moreover, even if tickets cannot be immediately solved/closed, they
should still be documented to eliminate unnecessary duplication of
reporting / coding / testing efforts.

Having a 15% open bug ticket rate does in no way reflect poorly upon a

Conversely, having a 60% NFR ticket rate reflects favorably upon a
project -- representing tangible interest in future development efforts
and illustrating the need for additional developer human resources.

All of that is abstracted from the actuality of developers writing /
testing / documenting code -- the code will be written regardless -- but
1) the chances of 3rd parties contributing patches back in and 2) the
R&D overhead of the development process, which the ticketing system only
serve to simplify.


> Cheers,
> -- jra

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