ndo-utils not populating hostgroups
Marc Powell
marc at ena.com
Mon Jun 30 19:48:52 CEST 2008
On Jun 30, 2008, at 12:09 PM, Hoot, Joseph wrote:
> OK. So from what you can tell, Marc, my config files should be
> setup to
> collect information properly.
If event_broker_options=-1, that would appear to be the case from my
novice perspective.
> So what is interesting is that if I'm getting these errors because
> of it
> already been populated, I should be able to query it. But
> unfortunately, it doesn't look like it is in there.
> Here is the INSERT that it is attempting to updated the tables with:
> INSERT INTO nagios_configfilevariables SET instance_id='1',
> configfile_id='7', varname='cfg_file',
> varvalue='/netmon/nagios/etc/timeperiods\.cfg''
> If I run `select * from nagios_configfilevaribales` I don't see
> anything
> for configfile_id=7.
Maybe it's different than mine. For me, it's a duplicate key error
(instance_id-configfile_id-varname key). All I can say is that I see
the same type of error and it appears to be totally irrelevant to the
population of the other tables.
> If I run the INSERT manually, it populates it with no problem. What
> could possibly be preventing it from INSERTING that when I can login
> as
> that user and manually do it?
Dunno, table permissions? Did you get debug output working? Do you
see the other inserts for successful/unsuccessful storage in the DB?
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