check_nt -v counter value question

Nicholas Magers Nicholas.Magers at
Thu May 8 07:49:40 CEST 2008

I am using, on my windows 2003 server, nsclient++. For the check_nt
reference where it refers to the 'COUNTER' parameters it refers to
'float parameters'. This does seem to be working for me. I have added to
output from my Nagios server. I got the command line reference from
It refers to using NSclient so maybe nsclient++ does not have the same


Any help would be appreciated.


[root at srv-qs-nagiosp1 plugins]# ./check_nt -H srv-qs-sqlprd -p 12489 -v
COUNTER -l "\\SQLServer:Databases(_Total)\\Data File(s) Size (KB)","SQL
Server Databases Datafile size total is %.f" -w 5 -c 30

SQL Server Databases Datafile size total is 191552 | 'SQL Server
Databases Datafile size total is %.f'=191552.000000%;5.000000;30.000000;



  Check any performance counter of Windows NT/2000.

  Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:

  -l "\\<performance object>\\counter","<description>

  The <description> parameter is optional and is given to a printf 

  output command which requires a float parameter.

  If <description> does not include "%%", it is used as a label.


  Some examples:

  "Paging file usage is %%.2f %%%%"

  "%%.f %%%% paging file used."



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