Url in the notification?

Marc Powell marc at ena.com
Fri May 16 22:05:29 CEST 2008

On May 16, 2008, at 1:19 PM, Palle L Jensen wrote:

> I just love Nagios; it does so much great work for you!
> As you work with it though sometimes thoughts comes up, can it do  
> more?
> Here is my thought.
> For example Nagios sends out an alert on high CPU load, would it be  
> possible to add the URL to the graph for the CPU load?

Yes, if you can programatically create the URL.

> ***** Nagios Monitoring 3.0.1 *****
> Notification Type: PROBLEM
> Service: Cpu
> Host: Server001
> Address:
> State: WARNING
> Date/Time: Fri May 16 13:36:06 EDT 2008
> Url:
> Additional Info:
> CPU Load 80% (5 min average)
> This would be very cool cause then you could click on the link and  
> immediately get to the overview of the graphing of the CPU load.
> Does anyone know if this would be possible?

Very simply. Edit your service notification command to include, in the  
appropriate place you want it to appear, --


Note that this will only work if your service descriptions do not  
contain spaces or any other special URL characters (&, ?, etc). If  
they do, you'll need to make your notiifcation command an actual  
script that URI  Escapes those before sending the e-mail.


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