NSCA and Latency
Hendrik Bäcker
andurin at process-zero.de
Thu Oct 23 21:59:05 CEST 2008
Hash: SHA1
Jonathan Call schrieb:
> I believe Andreas Ericsson has also written a broker module for NSCA. It
> is apparently still in its testing/alpha stages so you would have to
> contact that person directly.
Or you give it a direct try and feed Andreas with some scaling information:
> Jonathan
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Maxwell,Brady [mailto:maxwellb at oclc.org]
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 23, 2008 8:42 AM
> *To:* nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net
> *Subject:* [Nagios-users] NSCA and Latency
> My Environment:
> 3 x Dell 2950 Dual DualCore and 8 GB of RAM
> One system runs checks against our Linux servers
> One runs checks against our Windows servers
> We are running SLES10 update 3
> Both systems use nsca to send their check results to a third server that
> displays the service checks for our operators.
> All three systems are on the same vlan but separate cisco switchs.
> I am running nsca in daemon mode on the central server with this command
> /usr/local/nagios/bin/nsca -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/nsca.cfg –daemon
> Nsca.cfg is as follows:
> pid_file=/var/run/nsca.pidserver_port=5667#server_address=
> I just set the aggregate and append options to try and fix the problem
> they were not set before either way the results are the same.
> Ok so on the 2 servers doing the checks…. Everything runs fine even with
> the OCSP running my send_service_check_results script. My script is
> pretty much straight out of the book.
> #!/bin/sh# Arguments:# $1 = Hostname of the host (using the $HOSTNAME$
> macro)# $2 = Service description of the service (using the $SERVICEDESC$
> macro)# $3 = Service status id of the service (using the
> $SERVICESTATUSID$ macro)# $4 = Output of the Service Check (using the
> $SERVICEOUTPUT$ macro)/bin/echo "$1","$2","$3","N3 - $4" |
> /usr/local/nagios/libexec/send_nsca -H -c
> /usr/local/nagios/etc/send_nsca.cfg -d ","
> Like I said everything is fine on the 2 servers even with OCSP on.
> Between the 2 servers we are running about 10k service checks, latency
> is very low just a few seconds. However if I turn on the NSCA Deamon on
> the central server my latency creeps up to about 1500+ seconds with in
> an hour and just gets worse from there on both remotes. The checks that
> should run every 5 minutes on the 2 remote servers end up running every
> few hours or less. The central server is doing 0 active checks.
> I set debug mode and that proved to provide very little insight into the
> problem.
> CPU and Mem stats are both very low on all three server. The same thing
> can be said for the network, network utilization is less than 2% and
> there are no errors on the interfaces. Overall hardware utilization is
> 10% or less on these three systems.
> So my question is has anyone had this kind of problem with NSCA? What am
> I missing? Should I be batching my service checks on the remote servers?
> Should I be using xinetd for NSCA instead of deamon mode?
> Thanks
> Brady
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