windows updates thru check_nt
Jim Avery
jim at
Fri Aug 14 14:44:54 CEST 2009
2009/8/14 Grant Sewell <nagios at>:
> At a guess, I would say (given the subject line) he means "Windows
> Updates". I'm following this as I'd be very interested in this too. :)
Until now I've used the NSClient++ agent to alert on events in the
Windows event log, although I have to say the event log checking
functionality in NSClient++ can be a bit of a struggle to configure
I've just been looking at using the standard utiltity "evntwin.exe" to
configure snmp trap alerts. If you have your nagios server confgured
to receive and process snmp traps (for example using NagTrap) that
might be the way to go. I'd be interested myself to hear what other
people are doing, as there are so many options each of which have
their own merits and drawbacks.
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