nagios host dependencies (strange) issue--it does not works as expected
arly arly
arlytex at
Tue Aug 18 16:15:14 CEST 2009
Hi all,
my nagios system monitors some servers behind firewal, and sometimes
happens that firewall
is not reachable due to some network problem. All checks are delivered
thru firewall.
I am monitoring firewall too, and I am just checking PING to it and
rount trip time
define service{
use test
host_name firewall
service_description PING
check_command check_ping!200.0,40%!400.0,50%
I read all information at about
dependencies and in
/etc/conf.d I created dependencies.cfg with
define hostdependency{
host_name firewall
dependent_host_name host_behind_firewall
notification_failure_criteria d
with this I want to stop checkig ( and get just one notification about
failure ) of host(s) behind firewal in case it is not possible to
ping firewall .
Then I blocked ping on firewall and it showed as DOWN via nagios web,
but still I am getting correct information about
"host behind firewall", but I am expecting to get inforormation that
all is stoped as checking host behind firewall depends on
firewall availibility.
This is just simple scenario, I need to stop all checks in case
connection to firewall does not works.
I someone know what I should check more, please write
Thank you in advance for help
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