nagios host dependencies (strange) issue--it does not works as expected
Marc Powell
marc at
Wed Aug 19 15:08:14 CEST 2009
On Aug 19, 2009, at 4:46 AM, Arlen Drina wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> thank you for mail. I do not understand if I have in dependencies.cfg
> define hostdependency{
> host_name FIREWALL
> dependent_host_name SERVER
> notification_failure_criteria d,u
> }
> and nagios does not report any problem when restarted ( what means
> conf. is correct )
> and if I push FIREWALL host to be DOWN - and this state is correcly
> stated via nagios
> web interface, why host SERVER is still up and " green". I expect if
> FIREWALL is down
> that means all hosts depndent on it should be represented different
> that OK ( down, unrechable... )
This is a misconception. This will only be the case if the
check_command for those dependent hosts says they are non-OK. The
status of a dependent host will not change because of a dependency
definition. If the check_command for the dependent host still returns
OK, then that's it's status. Dependencies only suppress notifications
or stop checks entirely; they never change the status of a host or
service. Why does the check_command for 'SERVER' not properly reflect
the status of 'SERVER' when 'FIREWALL' is down? It seems to me that's
what you should be trying to determine. I assume you're pinging it.
Why is it still pingable from the nagios host if the firewall is down?
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