snmp coldstart trap checking
Kevin Keane
subscription at
Fri Aug 21 22:58:27 CEST 2009
Joseph L. Casale wrote:
>> Both solutions require installing some agent software on the monitored
>> system.
> Ironically, that is what I am trying to get away from. It's a pain in the
> a$$ to have to manage the installation of software on multiple platforms
> when snmp does most of what I need.
> I hope there is soon something that can be executed by Nagios to do native
> wmi queries, than from the windows perspective we wouldn't need much more...
I have to correct myself. You only need to install an agent on ONE
Windows box, because WMI can query all other Windows machines over the
network just like SNMP does. In fact, it would be entirely possible to
have a Linux plugin that queries WMI (as far as I know, WMI is a
standard technology, not just Microsoft), but I don't think that exists
right now.
I know of at least two plugins that do this. One is Groundworks'
agentless WMI plugin (;d=1
). The other one is my own set of plugins at . Mine works as a
plugin to TNTMonitoring or should also work with NSClient++ - I haven't
tested that configuration, though. Again, you only need it on one
Windows box.
I haven't tried the Groundworks one, but I think it, too, works with
NSClient++, and probably also would work with TNTMonitoring.
Since the Groundworks is written in VBS and uses .NET, it might even
work on a Linux box with a suitable Mono installation if you really are
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