How to set Mail Address with password authentication in Contacts Config

Marc Powell marc at
Sat Aug 22 16:17:31 CEST 2009

On Aug 22, 2009, at 1:35 AM, GVR Rajesh wrote:

> Hi,
> Could you please let me know how to set Mail Address with password  
> authentication in Contacts Config file.

I am assuming that you mean you need SMTP authentication when sending  
mail through an SMTP server from your nagios machine. If that's not  
it, please be much more descriptive in what you're trying to  
accomplish. There are too many possibilities given that little bit of  
information to provide anything more than a very general answer.

There is nothing in nagios to configure for this. Nagios doesn't  
handle that process. Nagios, in a normal configuration, hands the  
message to a local mail application (mail or mailx), which then passes  
it on to an SMTP server, typically the local sendmail, postfix or  
exim. Which it is depends on the  OS you are using or whichever you've  
installed. That local SMTP server then does final delivery.

If your service_notification_command definition uses mail or mailx,  
you need to look at the configuration of your local SMTP server on the  
nagios machine and see how it can do the authentication. I would say  
that in a typical situation, the nagios machine is trusted by the  
remote SMTP server and isn't required to provide authentication.


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