Notifications severely impacting Nagios performance. Ideas?
Jim Avery
jim at
Tue Aug 25 12:52:37 CEST 2009
2009/8/25 Ryan Bowlby <rbowlby83 at>:
> Hello Everyone,
> We are experiencing issues with Nagios notifications. Apparently when a large amount of services become critical and trigger notifications the system all but stops processing new service check results (passive). The "last check times" in the web interface stop updating until notifications are disabled.
> Tailing the nagios.log file during this issue shows mostly notifications and hardly any check results being processed. As soon as I temporarily disable notifications - system wide - the passive check results literally fly off the screen, and all the stale results in the web interface clear up quickly.
> How does everyone handle this issue? Obviously the notifications are a bottleneck. Has anyone configured notifications to be dropped in a file or fifo to be processed by an external daemon? Something like OCP daemon if anyone is familiar with it.
> Obviously parent child relationships would prove useful in curbing the notifications, but implementation of relationships is a while off (5 D.C.s lot's a data to have to collect). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
If you have set retry_check_interval to a very low value compared with
normal_check_interval, then inevitably Nagios will be working a lot
harder if a lot of hosts are down at the same time.
hth (a bit),
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