Anyone testing Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy?

C. Bensend benny at
Mon Dec 14 20:34:18 CET 2009

>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: C. Bensend [mailto:benny at]

>>>    I am hitting a situation where certain Windows 2003 Server file
>>> servers will stop doing shadow copies on their share volumes.  The
>>> service itself starts up and shuts down periodically like it
>>> should, but a new shadow copy is *not* created as viewed in Pervious
>>> Versions from a Windows box.
>>>    Looking at the vssadmin.exe command on the Windows server, I see
>>> I can:
>>> vssadmin List Shadows
>>>    And it prints out a listing of the existing shadow copies.
>>> However, without awk and grep (and no, I cannot install cygwin or
>>> anything like that), I don't have a clue how to process it.
>>>    Is anyone already testing Volume Shadow Copy?  Does anyone know
>>> of performance counters or anything I can use via the Nagios EventLog
>>> agent or NSClient++ to check to see that new shadow copies are being
>>> created?
>>>    I'm running out of Google on this one...
>>> Thanks!
>>> Benny
>>> --
>>> "It's not all about getting up and putting four slices of kickass
>>> in a two slice toaster."         -- ark86, on
> Hi, this may help, but I cannot tell for sure in your particular case.
> I've installed it on a few servers here to resolve win2k3 VSS-related
> backup errors/issues.

Hey James,

   Thanks for the article...  I'll pass that along to the Windows
guys and have them read it over.

   However, problem or not, I'd still like to monitor the creation
of shadow copies...  So even if this would fix their problem, the
original question stands - how to monitor shadow copies.  :)

Thanks much!


"It's not all about getting up and putting four slices of kickass
in a two slice toaster."         -- ark86, on

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