Nagios threshold for

Marc Powell marc at
Mon Feb 2 22:26:19 CET 2009

On Feb 2, 2009, at 2:39 PM, Scott wrote:

> Is there a way to put a threshold on Nagios if "Time Out" messages are
> received from a certain number of hosts or services?  If 4 distinct
> sites are timing out at the same time it should stop all notifications
> for all hosts and services and send a single page indicating a  
> bandwidth
> issue.  Is there any facility in Nagios that even slightly resembles
> what I've described?  TIA!

Nothing within nagios specifically. I can think of two solutions off  
the bat though --

	1) Create a service check/plugin that tests for this condition  
specifically. How do you know that the issue you describe is the  
cause? Translate that to a plugin. Make that test the parent of all  
your other hosts or a service dependency if the problem shows itself  
only as service check failures.
	2) If you can detect the problem reliably using a combination of  
specific host/service checks you have already, you could use  
check_cluster as a parent or service dependency as above. 


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