error: Service check did not exit properly
perldork at
Tue Feb 3 02:27:34 CET 2009
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Chris <atstake at> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Chris <atstake at> wrote:
>> I can type the following
>> ./ -H foo -C foo -m / -r -w 80% -c 90%
>> and get the correct information. But I'm having trouble adding it to
>> nagios configuration file.
>> My partitions are not same for every host (eg. some hosts have a /tmp
>> partition and some don't)
>> In my commands.cfg I defined:
>> define command{
>> command_name check_snmp_storage
>> command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$
>> -C $ARG1$ -m $ARG2$ -w 80% -c 90% -r
>> }
>> And I define the service in my unix.cfg file as:
>> define service{
>> use generic-service
>> host_name server_name
>> service_description Disk /
>> check_command check_snmp_storage!foo!/
>> }
>> When I restart Nagios, I get status critical in Nagios web interface
>> for this service check. Status Information says: (Service check did
>> not exit properly)
Two separate issues here:
1) For the problem, you can add this line to the script
after the shebang line to have the perl interpreter find
use lib 'usr/lib/nagios/plugins/';
2) For your custom service check command I recommend using custom
attributes if you are using Nagios 3. Two benefits:
a) You can associate your service with a hostgroup and then just add
hosts to that host group to have them pull in the service (don't have
to redefine new copies of the service over and over
b) More readabl configurations.
E.g. (made up example, does not match your code)
define command{
command_name check_snmp_storage
command_line $USER1$/ -w
$_HOST_DISK_WARN$ -c $_HOST_DISK_CRIT$ --partitions
Then create your service one time and add it to the disk-check-hosts group
define service {
service_description Disk Check Service
hostgroup_name disk-check-hosts
.... more attributes ...
Then create a host group disk-check-hosts
define hostgroup {
hostgroup_name disk-check-hosts
alias Disk check hosts
Then in your host you can use:
define host {
use generic-host
hostgroups +disk-check-hosts
__disk_partitions /var,/home
__disk_warn 85
__disk_crit 95
Little more work, but now you can add the service to additional hosts
by just adding them to the disk-check-hosts hostgroup and defining the
custom attributes in the host .. which means someone maintaining the
code sees the attributes in one place .. with the host definition.
Much more readable than having to browse through many services :).
- Max
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