how is "Service check Latency" defined in nagios?

Marc Powell marc at
Mon Feb 9 20:31:35 CET 2009

On Feb 9, 2009, at 12:19 PM, Rahul Nabar wrote:

> What exactly is the "Service check Latency" in nagios? My processor  
> load averages are still ok after I enabled PNP but my latencies have  
> shot through the roof. Should I be worried or not? I have latencies  
> around 46k millisecs and execution times of 800 millisecs for my  
> services.

Service check Latency is the difference between when Nagios scheduled  
a check to run and when it actually ran. A couple of things that could  
cause this --
	- Nagios is focused exclusively on only one thing (host checks under  
nagios-2 for example)
	- not allowing nagios to run sufficient concurrent checks for your  
configuration. running 'bin/nagios -s etc/nagios.cfg' will provide you  
with a recommendation. Make sure max_concurrent_checks is that high or  

46s doesn't sound too worrisome to me, just something to keep an eye  
on to make sure it doesn't get significantly higher (minutes).  
Execution time of .8 seconds sounds great.


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