Notification on OK-state

sri.lumpa at sri.lumpa at
Thu Feb 12 15:45:57 CET 2009

Thank you very much for the lead. It helped me a lot and.

I followed your advice and I used the ocsp_command directive from the nagios.cfg with a script printing into the file nagios.cmd the external command SEND_CUSTOM_SVC_NOTIFICATION and it works fine now.

Thanks for the lead.

----- Mail Original -----
De: "Marc Powell" <marc at>
À: nagios-users at
Envoyé: Jeudi 12 Février 2009 14:00:20 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: [Nagios-users] Notification on OK-state

On Feb 12, 2009, at 3:11 AM, sri.lumpa at wrote:

> I would like to create a service which will notify me after each  
> check, even if it is an OK-state and if the state hadn't changed.
> I've tried by setting the service's initial state to critical and  
> defining the service as volatile but that doesn't work (it's  
> probably because I didn't understand well the role of the  
> initial_state directive...).

is_volatile will only send notifications for OK states if it's a  

> Is Nagios-3.0.6 capable to do that and how can I make it work ?

Nagios isn't capable of sending OK alerts every time using the normal  
notification logic. It seems to me that the OSCP functionality fits  
your goal the best. OCSP can be used to send a notification or do  
whatever you want, after every check. It's most often used for  
Distributed Monitoring but can really be used for anything.


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