nsclient 0.3.6-RC4-x64 issues

Joseph L. Casale JCasale at activenetwerx.com
Sat Feb 14 21:54:02 CET 2009

>Normally Windows monitoring use NC_Net or NSClient++. Can you give more
>details on the check you're doing (the real command, not check_command)?

Well, just started with Nagios, and I am using one of the windows.cfg
templates with NSClient++ installed on the Windows Server 2008x64 boxes.

>If you're using check_nt or one of its substitute (NC_Net has
>check_nc_net, NSClient++ may have one too) make sure the proper service
>is installed and running on the Windows server. Try restarting the
>service if it's already running. Make sure the configuration is good
>(especially port and password).

I am using check_nt and the port/pass is correct for WinXP machines, but
the same ini on the 2008 machines doesn't work. Given Nagios suggests a
socket error, I suspect it is probably some bug in the x64 client on the
2008 machines...

In the meantime, since I am just starting out, I have been reading up on
snmp as that is how I am preferring to do my monitoring rather than have to
install any applications.


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