NDOutils and Nagios startup speed

Jim Avery jim at jimavery.me.uk
Sun Feb 22 00:43:30 CET 2009

2009/1/29 Mathieu Gagné <mgagne at iweb.com>:

> One way to speed up Nagios start when using NDOutils is to tweak
> "event_broker_options".
> Here is my new configuration, based on constants defined in
> include/broker.h:
> # BROKER_EVERYTHING      1048575
> event_broker_options=1048561
> I personally don't care about raw host/service check results and
> internal scheduling. It's already available in nagios.log and don't need
> to access such data remotely. Also host/service status are already
> available in nagios_hoststatus and nagios_servicestatus.
> There's probably more to disable.

That's interesting.  I've been disabling some of the
data_processing_options in ndomod.cfg as listed in ndomod.h instead up
until now.  I should have probably done what you recommended and
changed the event broker options as that's earlier in the process.  I
just tried like you said - the time saving looks the same but it does
make more sense to do it your way as it's closer to where the data
starts from.

I have tinkered with some of the settings in ndo2db.cfg for how long
to keep data for (I only ever really need the most recent data
myself).  So I now have:

  # Keep timed events for 24 hours

  # Keep system commands for 24 hours

  # Keep service checks for 24 hours

  # Keep host checks for 24 hours

  # Keep event handlers for 24 hours

This helped hugely on my old Nagios 2 server.  I confess I didn't take
comparative timings when I changed these on my Nagios 3 server.

I just tried adding those indexes you recommended in another post, but
it made little or no difference in my setup, probably because my
tables are so small now anyway!  I have no doubt that if I hadn't
shrunk those tables the indexes would make  quite a difference.

What I'm wondering now is whether it would help if I moved the ndo2db
process off my Nagios server and on to my database server (currently
ndo2db lives on my Nagios server and connects to the database on the
remote db server).  Does anyone have any thoughts on that?



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