Elevated alerts

Grant Lowe glowe at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jan 10 22:01:08 CET 2009


I've got the changes input as we've talked about.  But I'm not getting pages.  I searched the Nagios log and no pages.  Any ideas?  I'm at a loss to why.  For what it's worth, here's my contact definitions:

define contact{
contact_name                                  glowe
alias                                         Grant
contactgroups                                 solaris-admins
host_notifications_enabled                    1
service_notifications_enabled                 1
host_notification_period                      24x7
service_notification_period                   24x7
# Original line: host_notification_options                     d,u,r,f,s,
host_notification_options                     d,u,r
service_notification_options                  w,u,r
host_notification_commands                    notify-host-by-email
service_notification_commands                 notify-service-by-email
email                                         glowe at company.com
can_submit_commands                           1
retain_status_information                     0
retain_nonstatus_information                  0

define contact{
contact_name                                  glowe1
alias                                         Grant
contactgroups                                 solaris-admins
host_notifications_enabled                    1
service_notifications_enabled                 1
host_notification_period                      24x7
service_notification_period                   24x7
host_notification_options                     d,u,r,f,s,
service_notification_options                  w,u,r,f,s,
host_notification_commands                    notify-host-by-email
service_notification_commands                 notify-service-by-email
host_notification_commands                    notify-host-by-pager
service_notification_commands                 notify-service-by-pager
email                                         glowe at pager.company.com
can_submit_commands                           1
retain_status_information                     0
retain_nonstatus_information                  0
# Added pager line 01/09/2009
pager                                         glowe at pager.company.com

----- Original Message ----
From: "jmoseley at corp.xanadoo.com" <jmoseley at corp.xanadoo.com>
To: Grant Lowe <glowe at sbcglobal.net>
Cc: nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Friday, January 9, 2009 9:46:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Elevated alerts

If the email address begins with a number, then use $CONTACTPAGER$ string.
I don't know exactly where those variables are defined, but when sending
email to an address that begins with a number (or perhaps contains an
all-numeric string before the @), I've found that the notification is not
sent if using a command definition that uses CONTACTEMAIL.

In the contacts config, use command definitions that have CONTACTEMAIL when
emailing a 'normal' email address.  Use CONTACTPAGER when emailing a phone
or pager email address where the user string is numeric.

I'm sure the difference is explained in the documentation or mailling list

James Moseley

             Grant Lowe                                                    
             <glowe at sbcglobal.                                            
             net>                                                       To 
                                      jmoseley at corp.xanadoo.com          
             01/09/2009 11:30                                           cc 
             AM                        nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net  
                                       Re: [Nagios-users] Elevated alerts  

Ok.  That helps.  I'll replace the @MAIL_PROG@ with /bin/mail.  Then where
is $CONTACTEMAIL$ defined, so I can add a new variable which I think will
be $CONTACTPAGER$, to replace the $CONTACTEMAIL$ in the command

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