Elevated alerts

jmoseley at corp.xanadoo.com jmoseley at corp.xanadoo.com
Mon Jan 12 17:06:00 CET 2009

Grant Lowe <glowe at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

>Hi James,
>One question/problem with this.  I'm not getting any pages or email on
when services are showing up as critical in the nagios.log.  For example:>
>[1231773440] SERVICE ALERT: blarney;Check Remote Zombie
Processes;CRITICAL;SOFT;1;PROCS CRITICAL: 13 processes with STATE = Z
>[1231773500] SERVICE ALERT: blarney;Check Remote Zombie
Processes;CRITICAL;SOFT;2;PROCS CRITICAL: 23 processes with STATE = Z
>[1231773560] SERVICE ALERT: blarney;Check Remote Zombie
Processes;CRITICAL;SOFT;3;PROCS CRITICAL: 21 processes with STATE = Z
>[1231773620] SERVICE ALERT: blarney;Check Remote Zombie
Processes;CRITICAL;SOFT;4;PROCS CRITICAL: 32 processes with STATE = Z
>[1231773680] SERVICE ALERT: blarney;Check Remote Zombie
Processes;CRITICAL;HARD;5;PROCS CRITICAL: 18 processes with STATE = Z
>[1231747200] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: blarney;Check Remote Number of
Processes;CRITICAL;HARD;5;PROCS CRITICAL: 1388 processes
>Any thoughts?

As I was telling another poster, make the config as simple as can be until
you get this issue worked out. ;-)  Meaning, use the default notification
macros and setup one host and one contact definition until you get this
working.  Have you checked your notifiction options in your 'Check Remote
Zombie Processes' service definition?


You most certainly want to have a 'c' in there.  Are notifictions enabled
for this service (as defined in the service template you are probably


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