nagios host limits

Marc Powell marc at
Wed Jul 15 19:49:30 CEST 2009

On Jul 15, 2009, at 11:40 AM, Conor Shovlin wrote:

> Hi Marc,
> Here is the config we are adding. These lines cause a perfectly  
> working config (see before) to causing errors(see after).
> define host{
>         use                     windows-server  ; Inherit default  
> values from a template
>         host_name               DCFP01        ; The name we're  
> giving to this host
>         alias                   DCFP01        ; A longer name  
> associated with the host
>         address                 172.x.x.x    ; IP address of the host
>         hostgroups              Dxxx
>         parents                 Axxx
>         notification_interval   0
>         notification_options    d
>         }
> As you can see there it is a simple host that we are adding but it  
> starts throwing errors. As soon as we remove the host all errors  
> clear and we have no issue. If I remove another host it works

> Error: Template 'linux-server' specified in host definition could  
> not be not found (config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/ 
> txxxxhosts.cfg', starting on line 78)

Definitely strange. This is complaining about a completely different  
and unrelated thing. Does the template 'linux-server' exist ('name  
linux-server')? Is it in the same file as the host definition you are  
trying to add?
	- If so, are you accidentally breaking that definition, removing the  
final } perhaps or something like that?
	- If not, is the file it is in specified as a cfg_file in nagios.cfg  
or in a cfg_dir? If cfg_file, what is the load order (not sure it  
matters though but might be interesting).
		- Does it help you move it to the top of the load order?


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