Is a null username possible with check_http

Marc Powell marc at
Wed Jul 29 19:59:09 CEST 2009

On Jul 29, 2009, at 11:46 AM, Jim McNamara wrote:

> I posted this question to the nagiosplugins-help list last Wednesday  
> but received no answers. I hope I receive some insight from this list!
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I'm running nagios 3.0.6 with plugins 1.4.13 both compiled from  
> source on a debian machine. We recently added dataprobe iboot remote  
> power switches to my network. They have basic web authentication,  
> but the authentication only uses a password, not a username. I tried  
> several different things with the -a modifier to check_http, and all  
> failed to get an OK result from the plugin. Among the tests were -
> -a \n:PASS
> -a \r:PASS
> -a *:PASS
> -a :PASS
> -a garbage:PASS
> All of the tests lead to a 401 error, as shown in this verbose  
> output -
> /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_http -I -a \n:PASS -v
> GET / HTTP/1.0
> User-Agent: check_http/v2053 (nagios-plugins 1.4.13)
> Connection: close
> Authorization: Basic bjpyZWJvb3Q=
> is 97 characters
> STATUS: HTTP/1.0 401 Not Authorized
> **** HEADER ****
> WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="iBoot"
> **** CONTENT ****
> <html><h2>Error</h2></html>
> HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.0 401 Not Authorized
> Is there some way to pass an empty or null username to this device?  
> When authenticating as a human through a browser, leaving the  
> username empty and the default password of PASS lets you in. Thanks  
> for any suggestions!

Looking at the code, it does no modification of the auth info you  
provide other than encoding to base64. Based on how basic auth works,  
'-a :PASS' should do it as that will be encoded, sent, then decoded by  
the server into ':PASS'. This is the proper format for basic auth  
without username. You can easily decode what is being sent to the  
server by check_http (as above) to verify 'n:reboot'. I would try  
capturing the information sent by your browser to verify that the auth  
info is the same.


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