check_cluster warning/critical problems
skippylou at
Mon Jun 8 15:37:50 CEST 2009
Having an issue with check_cluster that I hope someone can help with.
Using the following versions of Nagios and the plugins:
Nagios 3.0.3
Nagios Plugins 1.4.11
Basically the problem is it the check_cluster check is reporting back the
proper ok/critical/warning messages from the underlying checks that are
being run, but it is not handling its own critical/warning properly.
Here is a snip of the relevant check_cluster check and the two underlying
checks it uses:
define service{
use check-proc
host_name apachehost
display_name apachehost
service_description Apache Pair
check_command check_service_cluster!"Apache
Processes$,$SERVICESTATEID:host2:Apache Processes$
define service{
use check-cluster-proc
host_name host1
display_name host1
service_description Apache Processes
check_command check_proc!!1:10
define service{
use check-cluster-proc
host_name host2
display_name host2
service_description Apache Processes
check_command check_proc!!1:10
In our current setup, only host1 or host2 should have OK for the Apache
proc, the other should have Critical - which the check_cluster command picks
up properly as seen here:
CLUSTER OK: Apache Pair: 1 ok, 0 warning, 0 unknown, 1 critical
>From here it states:
Now you'll need to create the "cluster" service and use the
check_service_cluster command you just created as the cluster's check
command. The example below gives an example of how to do this. The example
below will generate a CRITICAL alert if 2 or more services in the cluster
are in a non-OK state, and a WARNING alert if only 1 of the services is in a
non-OK state. If all the individual service members of the cluster are OK,
the cluster check will return an OK state as well.
define service{
check_command check_service_cluster!"DNS
Cluster"!1!2!$SERVICESTATEID:host1:DNS Service$,$SERVICESTATEID:host2:DNS
Service$,$SERVICESTATEID:host3:DNS Service$
Our current setup of the check_cluster command mirrors the documentation of
1:2 for Warning/Critical. Since there is one of the services in a non-OK
state, we expected the check_cluster command to have returned a Warning
instead of OK - but it always returns OK. We have tried various different
things with regards to the different warning/critical settings and can't
seem to reliably get it to return the proper state.
Any thoughts here on what could be going on, or if there is an underlying
issue with the check_cluster plugin in this version (I didn't see any
updates in the changelog for check_cluster in the .12 and .13 updates)?
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