NagiosGrapher not working: "Some error occured: RRD Error: Attempting to reuse '...'"
Daniel Borkmann
borkmann at
Wed Mar 4 09:06:59 CET 2009
Hi all,
NagiosGrapher seems not to be working...
After following the installation steps some problems remain and
I have actually no idea why... the rrdtool is set up but it seems
that no DBs will be generated... more info here:
# No grapher icons shown on nagios service detail page
# Error (e.g.) on
No graphs shown -> "Some error occured: RRD Error: Attempting to
reuse 'Loss'"
By clicking on RRDInfo -> "No RRDFile found !"
By clicking on TemplateInfo -> correct templates are shown
Installed versions:
# NagiosGrapher-1.7.1
# Nagios-3.0.6
# Nagios-Plugins-1.4.13
# NRPE-2.12
<Layout mylayout>
prefix: /usr/local/nagios
nagios_config: /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
nagios_config_cgi: /etc/nagios/cgi.cfg
nagios_images: ${prefix}/share/images
nagios_images_logos: ${prefix}/share/images/logos
nagios_folder_cgi: ${prefix}/sbin
nagios_contribution: ${prefix}/contrib
perl_inc: ${prefix}/perl/lib
ng_config: /etc/nagios
ng_config_sub: ${ng_config}/ngraph.d
ng_daemon: /var/nagios_grapher
ng_srvext_file: /etc/nagios/serviceextinfo.cfg
ng_srvext_dir: /etc/nagios/serviceext
ng_interface_pipe: /var/nagios/rw/ngraph.pipe
ng_perffile_path: /var/nagios/
ng_logfile: /var/nagios/ngraph.log
ng_rrd: /var/lib/rrd/nagios_grapher
ng_tmp_path: /tmp/nagiosgrapher
ng_cgi: /nagios/cgi-bin
ng_logos: /nagios/images/logos
ng_pid_file: ${ng_daemon}/
init_script_dir: /etc/init.d
logrotate_conf_dir: /etc/logrotate.d
apt-get install autoconf rrdtool perl perl-base perl-modules
libcalendar-simple-perl libgd-gd2-perl perlmagick librrds-perl liburi-perl
./configure --with-layout=mylayout
make testdeps
make install
service_perfdata_file_template=$HOSTNAME$ $SERVICEDESC$
define command{
command_name process-service-perfdata-file
command_line mv /var/nagios/service-perfdata
define config {
port 5667
buffer 1024
interface file
pipe /var/nagios/rw/ngraph.pipe
perffile_path /var/nagios/
pidfile /var/nagios_grapher/
user nagios
group nagios
skip_object_cache false
step 300
heartbeat AUTO
rrdpath /var/lib/rrd/nagios_grapher/
tmppath /tmp/nagiosgrapher/
serviceext_type MULTIPLE
serviceextinfo /etc/nagios/serviceextinfo.cfg
serviceext_path /etc/nagios/serviceext
url /nagios/cgi-bin/graphs.cgi
nagios_config /etc/nagios
cgi_config /etc/nagios/cgi.cfg
icon_image_tag ' dot.png' alt="###ALT###" border="0"></a><A
TARGET="_blank" HREF="graphs.cgi?###URL###"><img src="###IMAGESRC###" '
icon_image_src /nagios/images/logos/graph.png
icon_image_static true
log_file /var/nagios/ngraph.log
log_level 1023
rrd_color_background ffffff
rrd_color_font 333333
rrd_color_arrow ff0000
rrd_color_frame ffffff
rrd_color_canvas ffffff
rrd_color_shadea c0c0c0
rrd_color_shadeb c0c0c0
rrd_show_vlines true
fe_use_browser_all false
fe_use_browser_for nagiosadmin
fe_use_browser_url false
fe_use_timefilter true
use_authentication true
Test of Perfdata:
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_icmp -H
OK - rta 0.310ms, lost 0%|rta=0.310ms;200.000;500.000;0;
Next steps:
cp templates/standard/check_ping.ncfg ./check_ping.ncfg
/etc/init.d/nagios_grapher restart
Stopping nagios_grapher: No process in pidfile
`/var/nagios_grapher/' found running; none killed.
Starting nagios_grapher:
/etc/init.d/nagios restart
Running configuration check...done.
Stopping nagios: done.
Starting nagios: done.
Output of ngraph.log:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: buffer => '1024'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: cgi_config => '/etc/nagios/cgi.cfg'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: fe_use_browser_all => 'false'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: fe_use_browser_for => 'nagiosadmin'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: fe_use_browser_url => 'false'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: fe_use_timefilter => 'true'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: fontfile =>
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: group => 'nagios'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: heartbeat => 'AUTO'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: icon_image_script =>
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: icon_image_src => '/nagios/images/logos/graph.png'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: icon_image_static => 'true'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: icon_image_tag => ' dot.png' alt="###ALT###"
border="0"></a><A TARGET="_blank" HREF="graphs.cgi?###URL###"><img
src="###IMAGESRC###" '
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: interface => 'file'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: log_file => '/var/nagios/ngraph.log'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: log_level => '1023'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: nagios_config => '/etc/nagios'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: perffile_path => '/var/nagios/'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: pidfile => '/var/nagios_grapher/'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: pipe => '/var/nagios/rw/ngraph.pipe'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: port => '5667'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color_arrow => 'ff0000'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color_background => 'ffffff'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color_canvas => 'ffffff'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color_font => '333333'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color_frame => 'ffffff'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color_shadea => 'c0c0c0'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color_shadeb => 'c0c0c0'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_show_vlines => 'true'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrdpath => '/var/lib/rrd/nagios_grapher/'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: serviceext_path => '/etc/nagios/serviceext/'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: serviceext_type => 'MULTIPLE'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: serviceextinfo => '/etc/nagios/serviceextinfo.cfg'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: skip_object_cache => 'false'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: step => '300'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: tmppath => '/tmp/nagiosgrapher/'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: url => '/nagios/cgi-bin/graphs.cgi'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: use_authentication => 'true'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: user => 'nagios'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'Loss'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend_eol => 'none'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_log_regex => 'loss = (\d+)'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_units => '%'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'Loss'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: page => '2 Loss'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => 'ff0000'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'LINE2'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'PING'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'RTA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_log_regex => 'rta = (\d+[,\.]\d+)'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_units => 'ms'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'RTA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: page => '1 RTA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => '00a000'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'AREA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'PING'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_calc => 'RTA,AVERAGE'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'RTA Average'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend_eol => 'LEFT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'vdef_ping_average'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: hide => 'no'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: page => '1 RTA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => '0000ff'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'LINE1'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'PING'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'VDEF'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> nmgraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'nmgraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_type => 'line'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: host_name => '* Multigraphen'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: hosts => 'nethq-dev'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'nethq-dev Services'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: services => '.*?'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> nmgraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: colors => 'ff8000, 00ff00, 0000ff'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'nmgraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_type => 'stack'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: host_name => '* Multigraphen'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: hosts => '.*?'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: order => 'reverse'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'all ping'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: services => 'PING'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> nmgraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: colors => 'ff8000, 00ff00, 0000ff'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'nmgraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_type => 'stack'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: host_name => '* Multigraphen'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: hosts => '.*?'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: order => 'reverse'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'all http'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: services => 'HTTP.*?'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> nmgraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'nmgraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_type => 'area'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: host_name => '* Multigraphen'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: hosts => '.*?'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'all services'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: services => '.*?'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'free space'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_log_regex => '\((\d+)% inode'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_units => 'percent'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'RTA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: hide => 'yes'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => '00a000'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'AREA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'disk'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_calc => '100,RTA,-'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'used space'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_units => 'percent'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'used'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: hide => 'no'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => 'ff0000'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'AREA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'disk'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'CDEF'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_calc => 'RTA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'free space'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_units => 'percent'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'free'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: hide => 'no'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => '00a000'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'STACK'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'disk'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'CDEF'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => '15min avg load:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend_max => '15'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_log_regex =>
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_units => 'load'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => '15min'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => 'EACC00'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'AREA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_description => 'Latest:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_format => '%2.2lf'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_function => 'LAST'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_source => '15min'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'GPRINT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_description => 'Maximum:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_format => '%2.2lf'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_function => 'MAX'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_source => '15min'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'GPRINT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_description => 'Average:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_eol => 'left'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_format => '%2.2lf'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_function => 'AVERAGE'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_source => '15min'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'GPRINT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => '5min avg load:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend_max => '15'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_log_regex => ',(\d+[\.,]\d+),'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_units => 'load'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => '5min'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => 'EA8F00'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'STACK'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_description => 'Latest:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_format => '%2.2lf'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_function => 'LAST'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_source => '5min'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'GPRINT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_description => 'Maximum:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_format => '%2.2lf'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_function => 'MAX'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_source => '5min'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'GPRINT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_description => 'Average:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_eol => 'left'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_format => '%2.2lf'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_function => 'AVERAGE'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_source => '5min'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'GPRINT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => '1min avg load:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend_max => '15'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_log_regex => ':(\d+[\.,]\d+),'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_units => 'load'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => '1min'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => 'FF0000'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'STACK'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_description => 'Latest:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_format => '%2.2lf'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_function => 'LAST'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_source => '1min'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'GPRINT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_descriptio => 'nMaximum:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_format => '%2.2lf'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_function => 'MAX'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_source => '1min'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'GPRINT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_description => 'Average:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_eol => 'left'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_format => '%2.2lf'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_function => 'AVERAGE'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_source => '1min'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'GPRINT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_calc => '15min,5min,+,1min,+'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'cdef_load'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: hide => 'no'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => '000000'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'LINE1'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'CDEF'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_eol => 'justify'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_repeat => '0'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'COMMENT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_calc => 'cdef_load,AVERAGE'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'Sum avg values'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'vdef_load_average'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: hide => 'no'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => '0000ff'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'LINE1'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'LOAD'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'VDEF'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'Loss'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend_eol => 'none'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_log_regex => 'loss = (\d+)'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_units => '%'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'Loss'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: page => '2 Loss'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => 'ff0000'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'LINE2'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'PING'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'RTA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_log_regex => 'rta = (\d+[,\.]\d+)'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_units => 'ms'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'RTA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: page => '1 RTA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => '00a000'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'AREA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'PING'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_calc => 'RTA,AVERAGE'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'RTA Average'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend_eol => 'LEFT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'vdef_ping_average'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: hide => 'no'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: page => '1 RTA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => '0000ff'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'LINE1'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'PING'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'VDEF'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'Running proccesses'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_log_regex => '([0-9]+)\s+processes'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_units => 'procs'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'procs'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => 'ff0000'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'AREA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'PROCS'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_calc => 'procs'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'cdef_procs'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => '000000'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'LINE1'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'PROCS'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'CDEF'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_description => 'Current:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_eol => 'none:2'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_format => '%2.2lf%s'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_function => 'LAST'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_source => 'procs'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'PROCS'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'GPRINT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_description => 'Average:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_eol => 'none:2'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_format => '%2.2lf%s'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_function => 'AVERAGE'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_repeat => '0'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_source => 'procs'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'PROCS'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'GPRINT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_description => 'Maximum:'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_eol => 'left:2'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_format => '%2.2lf%s'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_function => 'MAX'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: print_source => 'procs'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'PROCS'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'GPRINT'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_calc => 'cdef_procs,AVERAGE'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'Average values'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'vdef_procs_average'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: hide => 'no'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => '0000ff'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'LINE1'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'PROCS'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'VDEF'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'free swap space'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_log_regex => '(\d+)%'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_units => 'percent'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_uper_limit => '100'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'swap'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: hide => 'yes'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => '00a000'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'AREA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'swap'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_calc =>
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'used swap space'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_units => 'percent'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'swapdef'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => 'a00000'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'AREA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'swap'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: type => 'CDEF'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: define => 'ngraph'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_legend => 'Logged in users'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_log_regex => '([0-9]+)\s*users'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_units => 'users'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: graph_value => 'user'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_color => '0066c0'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'AREA'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 CFG: service_name => 'USERS'
2009-03-04 08:38:15 PRG: Starting up (PID: 9530) ...
2009-03-04 08:38:15 PRG: using service-perfdata.time in /var/nagios/
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: karl PING PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA
= 0.35 ms rta=0.346000ms;100.000000;500.000000;0.000000
pl=0%;20;60;0 1236091154
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Current Load OK - load average:
0.03, 0.12, 0.14 load1=0.030;5.000;10.000;0; load5=0.120;4.000;6.000;0;
load15=0.140;3.000;4.000;0; 1236091174
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: karl Test-Plugin Hallo Welt 1236091184
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost SSH SSH OK - OpenSSH_4.7p1
Debian-8ubuntu1.2 (protocol 2.0) 1236091204
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Current Users USERS OK - 10
users currently logged in users=10;20;50;0 1236091234
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Total Processes PROCS OK: 53
processes with STATE = RSZDT 1236091244
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Swap Usage SWAP OK - 100% free
(3922 MB out of 3922 MB) swap=3922MB;0;0;0;3922 1236091274
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost HTTP HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK -
297 bytes in 0.001 seconds time=0.000739s;;;0.000000 size=297B;;;0
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost PING PING OK - Packet loss = 0%,
RTA = 0.05 ms rta=0.047000ms;100.000000;500.000000;0.000000
pl=0%;20;60;0 1236091434
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Root Partition DISK CRITICAL -
free space: / 7985 MB (9% inode=93%):
/=78191MB;72600;81675;0;90750 1236091444
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Test-Plugin Hallo Welt
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Current Load OK - load average:
0.00, 0.04, 0.09 load1=0.000;5.000;10.000;0; load5=0.040;4.000;6.000;0;
load15=0.090;3.000;4.000;0; 1236091474
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost SSH SSH OK - OpenSSH_4.7p1
Debian-8ubuntu1.2 (protocol 2.0) 1236091504
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Current Users USERS OK - 10
users currently logged in users=10;20;50;0 1236091534
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Total Processes PROCS OK: 53
processes with STATE = RSZDT 1236091544
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Swap Usage SWAP OK - 100% free
(3922 MB out of 3922 MB) swap=3922MB;0;0;0;3922 1236091574
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: karl CPU-Load OK - load average: 0.01,
0.05, 0.01 load1=0.010;15.000;30.000;0; load5=0.050;10.000;25.000;0;
load15=0.010;5.000;20.000;0; 1236091644
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost HTTP HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK -
297 bytes in 0.001 seconds time=0.000741s;;;0.000000 size=297B;;;0
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost PING PING OK - Packet loss = 0%,
RTA = 0.05 ms rta=0.046000ms;100.000000;500.000000;0.000000
pl=0%;20;60;0 1236091734
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Root Partition DISK CRITICAL -
free space: / 7981 MB (9% inode=93%):
/=78195MB;72600;81675;0;90750 1236091744
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Test-Plugin Hallo Welt
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: karl PING PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA
= 0.36 ms rta=0.362000ms;100.000000;500.000000;0.000000
pl=0%;20;60;0 1236091754
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Current Load OK - load average:
0.28, 0.41, 0.24 load1=0.280;5.000;10.000;0; load5=0.410;4.000;6.000;0;
load15=0.240;3.000;4.000;0; 1236091774
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: karl Test-Plugin Hallo Welt 1236091784
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost SSH SSH OK - OpenSSH_4.7p1
Debian-8ubuntu1.2 (protocol 2.0) 1236091804
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Current Users USERS OK - 10
users currently logged in users=10;20;50;0 1236091834
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Total Processes PROCS OK: 54
processes with STATE = RSZDT 1236091844
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Swap Usage SWAP OK - 100% free
(3922 MB out of 3922 MB) swap=3922MB;0;0;0;3922 1236091874
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost HTTP HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK -
297 bytes in 0.001 seconds time=0.000735s;;;0.000000 size=297B;;;0
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost PING PING OK - Packet loss = 0%,
RTA = 0.04 ms rta=0.042000ms;100.000000;500.000000;0.000000
pl=0%;20;60;0 1236092034
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Root Partition DISK CRITICAL -
free space: / 7981 MB (9% inode=93%):
/=78195MB;72600;81675;0;90750 1236092044
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Test-Plugin Hallo Welt
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Current Load OK - load average:
0.04, 0.20, 0.19 load1=0.040;5.000;10.000;0; load5=0.200;4.000;6.000;0;
load15=0.190;3.000;4.000;0; 1236092074
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost SSH SSH OK - OpenSSH_4.7p1
Debian-8ubuntu1.2 (protocol 2.0) 1236092104
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Current Users USERS OK - 10
users currently logged in users=10;20;50;0 1236092134
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Total Processes PROCS OK: 53
processes with STATE = RSZDT 1236092144
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost Swap Usage SWAP OK - 100% free
(3922 MB out of 3922 MB) swap=3922MB;0;0;0;3922 1236092174
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: karl CPU-Load OK - load average: 0.00,
0.00, 0.00 load1=0.000;15.000;30.000;0; load5=0.000;10.000;25.000;0;
load15=0.000;5.000;20.000;0; 1236092244
2009-03-04 08:38:18 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:38:18 PIPE: localhost HTTP HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK -
297 bytes in 0.001 seconds time=0.000766s;;;0.000000 size=297B;;;0
2009-03-04 08:39:57 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:40:30 FILE: reading perf data from
2009-03-04 08:40:30 PIPE: karl CPU-Load OK - load average: 0.07,
0.02, 0.00 load1=0.070;15.000;30.000;0; load5=0.020;10.000;25.000;0;
load15=0.000;5.000;20.000;0; 1236152410
2009-03-04 08:41:03 FILE: reading perf data from
Thanks for help :)
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