Linux Free memory % map file entry
Daniel Josephson
daniel_josephson at
Fri Mar 20 22:20:34 CET 2009
Can anyone help me to correct my map file for the performance data of the plugin which is generating the following output to the service-perfdata.out: OK: 91% (3669M) free memory.
I really only need to capture the free % so that I can graph that. ( the graphing part is working great )
This is what I have now in my map file which is not working :
# Service type: Memroy Usage
# output: OK: 76% (774M) free memory.
and push @s, [ FreeMemory,
[ percent, GAUGE, $1 ] ];
I have nagios version 3.05 up and running and gathering performance data output for check_disk and check_mem successfully
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