Monitoring applications through NSCA
Jim Avery
jim at
Tue Mar 31 10:11:02 CEST 2009
2009/3/30 Kumar, Ashish <xml.devel at>:
> Hello,
> I am planning to move application/process monitoring setup from active
> to passive monitoring.
> I read
> but it doesn't really help on how to setup scripts and how monitoring
> is done with NSCA, for example, how to setup scripts, what would be
> configuration entry for that.
> I tried searching online and nagios-users archive without luck. I
> will appreciate if someone could share their configuration or may be
> provide some pointers on how to set it up.
Have a look on NagiosExchange for a
script called nsca_wrapper. You might need to edit the script
slightly to make it work on AIX. This allows you to run your checks
from cron, for example:
05,20,35,50 * * * * /usr/local/nagios/scripts/nsca_wrapper -H
thishostsname -S SWAPFREE -C "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_swap -w
20 -c 10" > /usr/local/nagios/var/log/check_swap.log 2>&1
You will need to set up passive checks in your Nagios configuration to
receive these check results. For example, my template "nsca" looks
like this:
define service {
name nsca
check_freshness 1
freshness_threshold 3600
active_checks_enabled 0
max_check_attempts 1
check_command check_nothing
register 0
And my actual service definition looks like this:
# Passive checks for AIX servers
define service{
use nsca,generic-service
host_name thishostsname
service_description SWAPFREE
check_command check_nothing
notes Records total amount of swap free.
The Check Command "check_nothing" simply does nothing.
If you have trouble getting nsca_wrapper to work under AIX, give me a
shout and I'll send you a copy.
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