check_nt MEMUSE
Richard Gliebe
richard.gliebe at
Wed Nov 18 08:25:41 CET 2009
Hi all,
check_nt -v MEMUSE shows me the complete memory (physical memory +
page.sys) from the 64bit Windows Clients, which are using NSClient++ 2009-10-12.
# /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_nt -p 5666 -v MEMUSE \
-w 80 -c 90 -H <64bitClient>
Memory usage: total:7939.16 Mb - used: 4101.70 Mb (52%) - free: 3837.46
Mb (48%) | 'Memory usage'=4101.70Mb;6351.33;7145.25;0.00;7939.16
32bit Windows clients shows me _only_ the real memory (same NSClient
Is it possible to configure check_nt to show me also only the real
memory from the 64bit Windows clients?
We are using nagios-3.0.6_3 and check_nt v1991 (nagios-plugins 1.4.13)
on a FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE Box.
thanks in advance
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