Monitor disk via NSCA
Rikard Dahlberg
ej_seg at
Tue Dec 7 10:44:40 CET 2010
Hey all!
I want to thank you all for the lovely help i got in my previous errand. It was NSCA that was missconfigured on one line, or more imporatly, one complete line was gone :) Now the NSCA passive checks work flawlessly, almost anyway.
I can monitor CPU, memory and services, the only thing im getting problems with is hard-drive monitoring.
These are the commands I've chosen, but the disk command doesn't write anything out in nagios. Down below are a sample from nagios .cfg file also.
>From what i've read is that nagios treats the passive checks just as a normal queue as from a active check, so i believe i need a service for every host, as I would for a active check?
Any idea what ive done wrong on the harddrive config?
>From NSClient:
[NSCA Commands]
CPU Load=alias_cpu
Memory Usage=alias_mem
Drive space=alias_disk
Service check=alias_service
[External Alias]
alias_cpu=checkCPU warn=80 crit=90 time=5m time=1m time=30s
alias_cpu_ex=checkCPU warn=$ARG1$ crit=$ARG2$ time=5m time=1m time=30s
alias_disk=CheckDriveSize MinWarn=10% MinCrit=5% CheckAll FilterType=FIXED
alias_service=checkServiceState CheckAll
alias_process=checkProcState $ARG1$=started
alias_mem=checkMem MaxWarn=80% MaxCrit=90% ShowAll type=physical
alias_up=checkUpTime MinWarn=1d MinWarn=1h
alias_file_age=checkFile2 filter=out "file=$ARG1$" filter-written=>1d MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 "syntax=%filename% %write%"
alias_file_size=checkFile2 filter=out "file=$ARG1$" filter-size=>$ARG2$ MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 "syntax=%filename% %size%"
alias_file_size_in_dir=checkFile2 filter=out pattern=*.txt "file=$ARG1$" filter-size=>$ARG2$ MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 "syntax=%filename% %size%"
alias_event_log_old=CheckEventLog file=application file=system filter=new filter=out MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 filter-generated=>2d filter-severity==success filter-severity==informational truncate=800 unique descriptions "syntax=%severity%: %source%: %message% (%count%)"
alias_event_log_new=CheckEventLog file=application file=system MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 "filter=generated gt -2d AND severity NOT IN ('success', 'informational')" truncate=800 unique descriptions "syntax=%severity%: %source%: %message% (%count%)"
>From the host.cfg file from nagios
define service{
use generic-service
host_name ILSERVER
service_description C:\ Drive Space
check_command check_nt!USEDDISKSPACE!-l c -w 80 -c 90
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