n00b trying to set up on freebsd
Scott Lambert
lambert at lambertfam.org
Mon Jan 25 22:08:48 CET 2010
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 11:51:51AM -0800, Kurt Buff wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 20:03, Scott Lambert <lambert at lambertfam.org> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 04:19:58PM -0800, Kurt Buff wrote:
> >> Forgot to mention: When I get the directory listing, there is no auth
> >> taking place - I don't get asked for a username or password.
> >
> > You don't get asked for a password due to the Allow of your IP address.
> >
> > What does the directory list? Is there an index.something file?
> >
> > If so, you probably don't have the index.something listed in your
> > DirectoryIndexes statement. You may need to install PHP and configure
> > Apache to use it.
> Once more into the breach...
> I've got the php issue solved, so the site is showing up just fine.
> Using lynx on localhost, I get prompted for a login to nagios and get
> to the home page and subsidiary pages just fine, but from FF on a
> remote box I get no login prompt, and the home page just comes up, and
> it shows as me being logged in as nagiosadmin for any of the pages I
> then select. While this works, it's a bit insecure.
> I'd like to set it up so that 1) we get prompted for login and 2) only
> logins from authorized subnets are allowed, though if I can only have
> one, I'll take a login prompt. Below is the snippet of httpd.conf for
> nagios. I was terribly unsuccessful trying to 'Deny from all' and then
> specify, for instance, 'Allow from'.
You don't have any access allow based on IP. That makes me think that
you probably haven't exitted Firefox since you logged in as nagiosadmin
while testing. With HTTP Basic Authentication, there is no "Log Out"
there is only, "forget you know the password" for the web browser.
Firefox remembers the username and password until you exit and launch it
You may also need to check to see if Firefox has memorized the username
and password in it's master authentication database. That will persist
across restarts.
Scott Lambert KC5MLE Unix SysAdmin
lambert at lambertfam.org
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