Escalate after X warnings or criticals
Andrew Li at
Wed Jun 16 03:31:28 CEST 2010
Does anyone know if the notification count problem got fixed in 3.2.1?
I had a read of the ChangeLog but it doesn't mention anything related to
this problem since 3.0.6.
On Mon, 2009-11-09 at 08:55, Neil Ramsay wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> The escalation_options don't take the state into consideration during
> the notification count. So if you have an escalate rule on the 4th
> notification and only escalate on Critical in the escalation_options
> then following scenario is can occur:
> You have 3 warning notifications and the 4th is Critical then it will
> escalate as there have been 4 notifications and a Critical. I posted a
> help request on this issue a week or two ago and would really like
> this to be patched or built into the next update.
> Cheers,
> Neil
> On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 12:56 AM, Martin Melin <mmelin at>
> wrote:
> The existing escalation_options directive in escalation
> definitions will likely get you this behavior without the need
> for a patch.
> - see
> the very bottom of this page as well as the object definition
> documentation for escalation_options.
> Regards,
> Martin Melin
> On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 3:49 AM, Mark Gius
> <mgius at> wrote:
> Currently, service notifications contain
> "first/last_notification"
> directives, that specify the range of notifications
> that the escalation
> should apply to. This method of escalation has a
> weakness however.
> At my work, we let warnings go to the default contact
> (which happens to
> be email), and escalate to a pager chain on critical.
> However, if a
> service sits in WARNING for a length of time (which is
> likely to happen
> in the middle of the night), by the time the service
> enters a CRITICAL
> state the notification count exceeds our highest
> escalation, and our
> entire team gets paged immediately.
> What I'd like to see is the ability to distinguish
> between a WARNING
> notification and a CRITICAL notification in the
> escalation, and set up
> escalation chains that work based on the number of
> CRITICAL's that have
> been sent, as opposed to the total number of
> notifications.
> I am planning on patching nagios to support this
> behavior if there isn't
> a way to achieve this behavior with the current
> implementation. My plan
> is to add a warning/critical count to service, add a
> first/last
> warning/critical state to service escalations, and add
> the directives
> "(first|last)_(warning|critical)_notification" to the
> service escalation
> configs. The idea is also to keep the current
> behavior
> (notification_count and first/last_notification would
> still be present),
> but allow finer grained control over when escalations
> are sent out.
> This way if somebody didn't want to use the finer
> grained control their
> behavior would stay the same. My current plan is to
> match the
> escalation if _any_ of the 3 notification ranges match
> (all/warning/critical).
> Any advice on making this behavior happen with Nagios
> as-is, or
> suggestions/advice on the implementation are welcome.
> -Gius
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