Does anyone have event log monitors that *work*?

Jim Avery jim at
Fri Mar 19 18:22:26 CET 2010

On 19 March 2010 14:31, C. Bensend <benny at> wrote:
> Hey folks,
>   I have been beating my head against various and sundry walls,
> tables, and desks for quite some time now, and my brain is starting
> to get very, VERY mushy.

I agree, it's not easy.

If it's any help, the best I've been able or bothered to get for
monitoring any errors from MS SQL Server is to put this in the
NSClient++ .ini file:

Event_MSSQL=inject CheckEventLog filter=new file=application MaxWarn=1
MaxCrit=2 filter+generated=<30m filter+eventSource=substr:MSSQL
filter+eventType==error truncate=64

This means all the command options are kept in the NSClient++ config
which means you don't have to worry so much about escaping various
non-alphanumeric characters.  To run the nrpe check (for example from
the command line on your nagios server), all you need to do is:

/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H -c Event_MSSQL

An alternative is to configure the Windows server to send events as
SNMP traps and use snmptrapd and snmptt to push these through to
Nagios as passive checks.  I wrote a section in the Nagios Wiki on it

I confess I never actually got to use this method in anger (which is a
shame because I think it works pretty well) because our Windows admins
wouldn't let me enable the SNMP service on our production Windows



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